The Cyprus Review First Annual Book Awards | Final Results
The leading Cyprological journal The Cyprus Review (CR) hereby announces the results of its First Book Awards in the categories of I. History and Political Sciences, and II. Law, for books published in 2019, as well as the recipient of the annual Lifetime Achievement Award. The evaluation of the nominated titles has been a demanding and arduous process, given the extraordinary circumstances that we all face. As a result, the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Team of the CR feels the need to wholeheartedly thank all members of the Scientific Committees, and in particular:
- History and Political Sciences: Emilios A. Solomou (Cyprus Society for Historical Studies), Petros Papapolyviou (University of Cyprus), Odysseas Christou (University of Nicosia), Michalis Kontos (University of Nicosia), and Frances Lanitou (Ambassador).
- Law: Achilles C. Emilianides (University of Nicosia), Christos Papastylianos (University of Nicosia), Charalambos Papacharalambous (University of Cyprus), Christia Middleton (Judge), Elias Stephanou (Advocate).
The awards are given as follows:
I. History and Political Science
A. Stanley Kyriakides Award:
Χαράλαμπος Α. Αλεξάνδρου, 361 Τάγμα Πεζικού: Χρονικό Προάσπισης Προδομένης Πατρίδας (Σύνδεσμος Επιζησάντων Στρατιωτών 361 Τάγματος Πεζικού 1974, Κυπριακό Ινστιτούτο Επιστημονικών και Ιστορικών Ερευνών)
Β. Junior Researcher Award:
Marilena Varnava, Cyprus Before 1974: The Prelude to Crisis (I.B. Tauris)
Μιχάλης Σταυρή, Ενιαίον Κόμμα Εθνικόφρονος Παρατάξεως: Στα Σπάργανα της Σύγχρονης Κυπριακής Πολιτικής Ζωής (Εκδόσεις Ρίζες – Ίδρυμα Πολύκαρπος Γιωρκάτζης)
ΙΙ. Law
A. Constantinos Emilianides Award:
Φρίξος Νικολαΐδης, Αποζημιώσεις για Σωματικές Βλάβες και Θανατηφόρα Ατυχήματα.
B. Junior Researcher Award:
Αναστασία-Μαρία Φρ. Ιωαννίδη, Η Εμμάρτυρη Απόδειξη στην Πολιτική Δίκη κατά το Ελληνικό, Αγγλικό και Κυπριακό Δίκαιο (Σάκκουλα).
C. Honourable Mention (Junior Researcher):
Νίκος Θ. Παναγιώτου, Σχέση Εξηρτημένης Εργασίας και Μέτοχοι Ιδιωτικών Εταιρειών (Hippasus).
III. Lifetime Achievement Award
This special award is conferred to Prof. Evanthis Hatzivassiliou (University of Athens) for his lifetime contribution to the study of the history of Cyprus through original published research works.
The Call for Nomination for The Cyprus Review Annual Book Awards 2020 is available here.
Read the announcement on CR’s website by clicking here.