
The traditional model of the one-way communication from the teacher to the students in not the case for the learning environment we want for University of Nicosia. Interactive learning is a more hands-on, real-world process of relaying information in classrooms. Passive learning relies on listening to teachers lecture or rote memorization of information, figures, or equations. Interactive learning involves students’ interaction not only with the teacher but with each other as well. An interactive approach involves interaction in dialogue mode (“intеr”  – reciprocally, “act” – do, perform). In other  words,  an interactive  teaching  method  is a  form  of  learning  and  communicative activity  in  which students are  involved in the learning process  and reflect on what  they know and what  they are thinking. Unlike a traditional teaching method oriented on the teacher whose main function is to assist learners and facilitate, interactive learning focuses on students ‘needs, abilities, interests.  While in a traditional approach teacher is  a center  of the learning  process and  learners  are passive  and only receive information,  in a learner-oriented  system  the teacher  and  the learner  swap their  traditional  roles  enabling  the  learner  to actively engage in the learning process and be the center of the classroom. Learners  categorize,  analyze,  assume  opinions,  acquire  new  skills,  and  develop  their attitudes towards facts and events. The fundamental difference between traditional and interactive activities is that the student does not only revise and strengthen his knowledge but also constructs and completes it with new material.

Recent studies give evidence that interactive learning helps the learner not only to easily acquire new material but to memorize it for a longer period of time, develop critical thinking and problem solving skill. All UNIC students are equally involved in the cognitive process, each individual contributes to the teaching process, students exchange information and ideas. This relationship allows students not only to acquire knowledge but also develop communicative skills: the ability to listen to others, evaluate different points of view, participate in discussions, make joint decisions, develop tolerance, etc. At University of Nicosia we utilize various ICTS, forums, wikis and chat, the student can carry out collaborative learning tasks sharing thoughts, comments and material with other students.