UNIC Procedural Law Unit Director Addresses the Standing Committee on Legal Affairs, Justice and Public Order

Dr. Nicolas Kyriakides highlighted key issues related to judicial reform in Cyprus

The Director of the University of Nicosia Procedural Law Unit, Dr. Nicolas Kyriakides, was recently invited to speak before the Standing Committee on Legal Affairs, Justice and Public Order of the Cyprus House of Representatives, where he highlighted key issues related to judicial reform in the country.

Dr. Kyriakides stressed the importance of regular parliamentary oversight of justice reform, describing it as a continuous and demanding process. While acknowledging significant progress in addressing the backlog of cases, he emphasised that further efforts are needed to resolve the issue effectively.

He expressed his support for proposals to introduce a small claims track for disputes under €3,000 and mandatory mediation – measures aimed at alleviating the burden on the courts. He also welcomed the approval of the framework for the Independent Court Service, stressing the need for its immediate implementation. Additionally, he underscored the importance of conducting further research on the quality of justice in Cyprus, as highlighted in the EU Justice Scoreboard.

Dr. Kyriakides pointed to the necessity of establishing clear criteria for the recruitment and evaluation of judges, as well as the importance of judicial specialisation. He voiced his support for the establishment of the Commercial Court, the Admiralty Court, and the Administrative Court of Appeal. Furthermore, he proposed the specialisation of judges in first-instance courts to handle major categories of cases, such as debt and accident claims more effectively.

Dr Kyriakides further stressed the urgent need to implement audio recording of court proceedings, reduce unnecessary hearing postponements, except in cases of serious justification, and schedule hearings at times when they can be conducted without delay.

Additionally, he highlighted the necessity of leveraging technology to streamline court proceedings, making appearances more efficient and accessible.

Dr Kyriakides concluded that enhanced procedural efficiency and greater transparency within the justice system would significantly strengthen public confidence in the courts.