Rights of Students
The University students have the right to:
- Enjoy the rights and privileges provided by law to Cypriot, EU and third-country citizens, in a student-centered environment.
- Suggest courses to be offered.
- Have representation on appropriate University committees, including: The Senate, the Council, the Disciplinary Committee, the Administration Committee, and the Appeals Committee.
- Evaluate University faculty members, staff, administration and the facilities / learning environment
- Express opinion in class concerning the subject matter and in keeping with the University’s statement on academic freedom.
- Expect commitment and student-centered approach from all the University staff.
- Submit petitions requesting: review of grades, review of courses, exemptions from academic regulations and review of decisions concerning disciplinary matters.
- Expect commitment from the Student Union Executives.
- Have the right of free speech and assembly, provided they are consistent with University, Cyprus and EU regulations.
- Have all regulations concerning students to be communicated to them timely and in appropriate ways.