Friday, 08 November 2024

On Wednesday, 6 November 2024, Clinical Assistant Professor of Anatomy and Animal Health at the School of Veterinary Medicine Sergi Olvera-Maneu, presented the initial findings of his research on equine piroplasmosis in Menorca, Spain. The study, titled Sero-molecular Analysis and Associated Risk Factors with Equine Piroplasmosis in Purebred Menorcan Horses, is partially funded by the Institut Menorquí d’Estudis through its 2023 grant programme.

Dr Olvera-Maneu shared valuable insights into the prevalence of the disease and the presence of parasites in Purebred Menorcan horses, tested in early July 2024. He identified Theileria equi as the dominant parasite responsible for the disease on the island. This particular parasite is known for its severity and is linked to a poorer prognosis for recovery compared to other strains.

During the presentation, Dr Olvera-Maneu discussed the various risk factors considered in the study, including gender, age, farm size, and management practices. He also provided a series of recommendations aimed at reducing the incidence of this parasitic disease on Menorca’s farms. The event attracted attendees from different parts of the island of Menorca , indicating a high level of local interest in tackling this health issue among the horse population.