Professor Demetris Vrontis
Member of the Council
Professor Demetris Vrontis is the Vice Rector for Faculty and Research and a Professor of Strategic Management at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus. He is the Founding Editor and Editor in Chief of the EuroMed Journal of Business, an Associate Editor of the International Marketing Review, an Associate Editor of the Journal of Business Research, a Consulting Editor of the Journal of International Management, an Associate Editor of the Journal of Strategic Marketing, a Senior Advisor of the International Studies of Management & Organization, a Senior Associate Editor of the FIIB Business Review and an editorial advisory board member in numerous academic and scientific marketing, management and business-related journals. He has a wide editorial experience and has successfully edited over 80 guest editions in top-tier journals. He is the President of the EuroMed Academy of Business and the Managing Director of Gnosis Mediterranean Institute for Management Science, which serve as important and influential regional hubs in the area of Business and Management. He has widely published in over 450 refereed journal articles, 60 books and 80 chapters in books, and he has presented papers at over 100 conferences around the globe. His refereed journal articles appeared in (among others) Human Resource Management (USA); British Journal of Management; Journal of World Business, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Business History, The International Journal of Human Resource Management; Technovation, Journal of Business Research; Journal of International Management; International Marketing Review; Technological Forecasting and Social Change; International Business Review; Industrial Marketing Management; European Management Review; IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management; Human Resource Management Review; Annals of Operations Research, Production Planning and Control, Journal of Sustainable Tourism; Information Systems Frontiers, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, Asia Pacific Journal of Management and more. He is a fellow member and certified Chartered Marketer of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and a Chartered Business Consultant. He is also currently serving as a consultant and is a member of the board of directors of several international companies.